Meet Lex
Lexie is our new Dreadlock Artist here at UnorthoDOXX Studio.
Lex brings such a fun and positive energy to the studio and its an absolute joy to have her with us.
Taken on as an apprentice in Feb 2024, after being a client of Jons for a number of years, and experimenting with her own dreads, she has rapidly learnt and embraced the dreadlock artistry in the best way. She is now fully qualified and full rate, though the learning and experience continues and grows
Her expertise areas are dreadlock decoration, dread wraps, and truly embracing the beauty and nature the dreadlock journey creates.
Lex is a multi-talented being, she is also a sick roller-blader and skater, a unique artist and amazing singer. Her creative energy will have you feeling inspired, as well as fresh, by the end of your session with her.